Sponsor Information
Donation Guarantee
The Mission of the Veterans Recognition of Central Illinois is to provide support to our returning service men and women with special campaigns. Including but not limited to Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day, The Decatur Celebration Parade, Veterans Day Events, School education events, etc.
Sponsorship funds are used exclusively for event costs. All funds are received and distributed by The Veterans Recognition of Central Illinois Committee. Incorporated in the State of Illinois, 501(c)(3)
All donations are tax deductible
Please Note: Donations must be received no later than February 01 on the year of the event. Meeting this deadline allows us to include the sponsorship on advertising for the Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day event.
Special Sponsorship Level and Benefits
Operation Veterans Support ($1000)
- Preferential Seating for 8
- Group Photo with Speaker(s)
- Company Banner in Entrance
- Company Name and Logo on table tents, event program, scrolling Power Point, framed Veteran group photo